2002 August 30 - Sept 2 ... Fri - Mon
note that this trip was postponed from June due to low water conditions
Tour Co-Ordinator: Peter LaGrandeur
last update: 2005 Jan 29
River Put-In Point (Start): "Joffre Bridge" - Hwy 11 over Red Deer River south of Nevis.
Contrary to the 'Start' point shown on this map, the trip was commenced from
the Joffre bridge on Hwy 11.
River Take-Out Point (Finish):
Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park.
Risk Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Self Responsibility
This trip is conducted with the understanding it is a Common Adventure where each participant conducts him/herself independently, makes his/her own judgements about safety and well being, takes full responsibility for his/her own actions, and contributes whatever he/she can towards the success of the trip. The Tour Co-Ordinator is not a leader or professional guide of any type and acts only to provide basic logistical arrangements for initiating and running the trip. The route, itinerary and all other aspects of this trip are only suggested and, as responsible tourists, each participant is expected to research everything prior to the trip to whatever extent he/she feels is necessary to determine that all is safe and suitable. Each participant is expected to possess any skills, equipment, fitness, common sense, etiquette, knowledge of applicable legislations, etc., to enjoyably and safely be involved in this activity. Each participant is the sole and final judge about his/her capability to safely proceed with this tour. All participants recognize financial loss, physical injuries and death to be real possibilities facing anyone in the sport of paddling and related activities and agree to assume all risks and consequences. Any person who does not feel confident or self reliant about their abilities or who does not agree with this philosophy should not participate on this tour.
2002 Friday June 14
2002 Friday June 14
River Creek Campground and RV Park 403.742.3343
$18 / night / tent
hot showers
picnic tables
vehicle storage - $2 per night in locked compound
2002 Saturday June 15
Trenville Park campground 403.773.2273
$15 / night / tent
no showers
fresh potable water
picnic tables
River Synopsis
Water is currently very low - only a foot deep in some places.
See the flow data graph below for the Red Deer River at Red Deer for Monday, June 10, 2002.
See the Red Deer River at Red Deer city current
Flow Report.
However, the camp ground operators along the route report groups of canoeists
paddling this route down to Drumheller.
There are rumours the level in Glennifer Lake (Dickson Dam) upstream of
Red Deer city is thirty feet below normal for this time of year.
Contact will be maintained over the week with Alberta Environment to be aware of any
flow changes from the Dickson Dam that would affect this weekend's outing.
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